Energy XP

Master your daily energy, tackle tasks efficiently, and develop habits that lead to peak productivity.
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Is this you?

Feeling overwhelmed by a to-do list that ignores your energy levels? Struggling with tasks that lead to burnout due to energy mismanagement? Difficulty aligning daily activities with your energy fluctuations? It's time for a new energy-aware approach to task management.

Our Solution: Energy XP

Energy XP transforms task management by aligning with your energy levels. It offers intelligent guidance to prioritize tasks effectively and provides personalized insights to balance your workload. Discover a to-do list that not only boosts productivity but also harmonizes with your natural energy flow.


Energy-Focused To-Do List

Efficiently organize your daily tasks with a focus on optimizing your energy for peak productivity.

Cost Evaluation

Understand the energy and time cost of each task with our unique cost evaluation feature, which helps you prevent burnout and manage your energy better.

A+ Health App Integration

Integration with Apple Health is on our roadmap to streamline sleep and mood tracking. We aim for an A+ integration experience that merges seamlessly with your daily life.

Task Success Prediction

Leveraging AI technology, we are working on a feature to predict your task success based on your past data.

Intelligent Insights

Extract more from your tasks data with our future intelligent insights feature, making your task tracking even more valuable.

Keep in touch

We are constantly updating the app!

author profil picture

I am Oussama 👋

I am a software engineer with a deep commitment to enhancing productivity and efficiency. My journey in this field has been fueled by extensive research and practical experience, diving into the world of productivity, flow states, and high performance. I've not only studied these concepts extensively but also applied them in real-world scenarios, refining my understanding and approach over time. My exploration led me to try numerous productivity and habit-tracking apps, but I consistently found them lacking in crucial aspects. This experience, combined with my technical expertise in software development, inspired me to create a solution of my own - Energy XP. In developing Energy XP, my goal was to merge my technical skills with my genuine interest in productivity and self-improvement. This app represents not just my capabilities as a developer, but more importantly, my commitment to creating practical, user-centric solutions for those looking to enhance their efficiency and organizational habits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the energy consumption mechanism in Energy XP work?

In Energy XP, you estimate the energy each task consumes. The app shows your energy usage as you complete tasks, helping you refine your estimations over time for better daily task planning. It's a tool for self-awareness, aiding in managing your energy more effectively.

What features are available in the Energy XP beta?

The current beta version of Energy XP includes a fully functional todo list and the unique energy consumption mechanism. These features allow you to effectively manage your daily tasks while keeping an eye on your energy levels.

What future integrations are planned for Energy XP?

We plan to integrate Energy XP with Apple's Health API. This will allow the app to consider your physical activity and health data, like sleep quality and workout intensity, in managing your tasks and energy levels.

How will Energy XP assist in forecasting the success of my tasks?

Energy XP will analyze your health data from the Apple Health API in conjunction with your task completion patterns. This correlation is designed to enhance task success prediction, leveraging these insights for improved task management and planning.

Is there an Android version of Energy XP planned?

Currently, our focus is on the iOS version of Energy XP. We are considering an Android version in the future, depending on user feedback and demand.

How is my data used and protected in Energy XP?

Energy XP doesn't process your data on any servers; in fact, we don't use servers. All your data stays on your phone. If we collect any data in the future, it will be solely for user experience enhancements, not for health data. Rest assured, your privacy is a top priority.

Will there be any cost to use Energy XP after the beta period?

Currently, Energy XP is planned to be a free app. Our primary focus is on refining and enhancing the app's features. While we intend to keep the app free, we may explore different business models in the future to support the app’s development and expansion. Any changes in this regard will be communicated well in advance to our users.

How can I provide feedback or get support during the Energy XP beta?

As a solo developer, I handle all feedback and support personally. Please reach out to me directly on Twitter or LinkedIn for any inquiries, feedback, or support needs. You can find the contact links on our landing page.